WOHASU® Company Certification In Collaboration With Arrive At Happy



In Collaboration with Arrive At Happy

Become a Wellbeing at Work CertiFIed Company

Whether you are a small, medium or large company

Whether you are a startup or a mature company


It is always the right time to invest in cultivating a positive work culture.


A comprehensive certification program for organizations who are committed to creating a culture and environment where people thrive personally and professionally.


Positive Leadership, Mindfulness, Physical Wellbeing, Purpose, Community, Financial Well-Being, Social, Coaching, Feedback, Motivation, Belonging, Team Building, Trust, and Psychological Safety.

Become a Wellbeing at Work CertiFIed Company

  • Elevate productivity and innovation
  • Enhance reputation and recruitment
  • Improve retention
  • Increase profitability
  • Optimize customer experience and ratings
  • Lead the wellbeing at work movement
  • Support growth and development of human skills at work


  • Attune and connect to today’s work environment and work force
  • Understand the direct relationship between sustainable human wellbeing andorganizational flourishing
  • Feature on WOHASU website
  • Receive certification WOHASU Certification Badge


  • Measurement & Evaluations
  • Focus Groups
  • Leadership Development
  • Employee Training
  • Management Consulting for Wellbeing
  • Codifying Principles and Concepts/Procedures
  • Customized Certification
  • Journey Plan
  • Ongoing Support

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The goal of the WOHASU Wellbeing at Work Company Certification is to bring the latest scientific research on positive psychology and happiness at work to organizations. We want to recognize the organizations that are committed to their team member’s wholistic wellbeing and cultivating positive transformation at work.

Program Director


Wellbeing advocate, communicator, social entrepreneur and visiting professor at the University of Lisbon

Karen Guggenheim founder

Karen Guggenheim is a pioneer in the global happiness movement, a leader in promoting the science behind wellbeing, a motivational speaker teaching people how to grow after trauma and loss and CEO of WOHASU®, a comprehensive wellbeing ecosystem providing personal and corporate training that is sending a positive rippling effect around the world.

She co-founded the World Happiness Summit®, recognized as the leading science-based happiness event in the world, and the H-20 Government Meeting, which discusses wellbeing economics and policy. She has ideated, produced, organized and promoted multiple global events attended by thousands of people from over 40 countries, and hosted over 50 virtual Master Classes.

Along with leading experts, Karen has created unique programming like the WOHASU/Florida International University Chief Happiness Officer Certificate program designed to increase organizational health and employee wellbeing.

As a consultant and speaker, she regularly shares about the global happiness movement, and advises organizations about the benefits of using evidence-based approaches to increase employee engagement and wellbeing.

Her most recent engagements include: City National Bank in Miami; NewMetrics Conference in Philadelphia; Westminster Hall, Houses of Parliament in London; Action for Happiness – Rethinking Happiness in London; the Optimism at Work Dialogue in Colombia; the Horasis Global Meeting in Portugal, Regeneration 2030 Italy, Happiness Lecture Series for Georgetown University McDonough School of Business in Washington, DC, Happiness Talk for PwC, New York, and Happiness: The Productive Key for Organizations 4.0 Conference, Areandina University, Latin America.

Karen holds an MBA from Georgetown University and a Master in Communication from the University of Miami.


Program Director

tia graham

International speaker, author and consultant specializing in driving productivity and business growth through a culture of happiness

Tia has worked with dozens of global companies such as Goldman Sachs, Hilton Hotels and Hewlett Packard to elevate employee engagement and drive bottom line results. With multiple certifications in neuroscience, positive psychology, and employee retention, and over 14 years of leadership experience, Tia is widely regarded by business leaders in her field. Her insights have been featured in major media such as CNN, Forbes, and Fast Company to name a few.

Tia is also the host of the Arrive at Happy Leaders show and a speaker and collaborator with the World Happiness Summit® . As a Certified Chief Happiness Officer and the founder of Arrive at Happy, she uses her  Arrive at Happy Business Growth process to help CEOs and executives create cultures that areinnovative, positive, and magnetic. Her book, Be a Happy Leader, teachers her proprietary 8-step methodology.

Prior to founding Arrive at Happy, she led sales & marketing teams at luxury hotels in the United States and Europe for brands such as W Hotels, Westin, and The London. She has a Business Degree in Tourism from The University of Hawaii.

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